Student Absence FormParents and caregivers play a vital role in the education of their children. You are encouraged to participate in all school activities, workshops, conferences, and meetings. Your cooperation is an important part of your child’s progress. We encourage and expect you to support, promote, and work with your child in the following areas:
Attendance: Please send your child to school and on time daily. ( School District Attendance & Truancy resource page)
High Expectations: Believe that your child will do well in school
Basic Skills: Communication, computation and reading
Discipline: Exercising self-control
Student Progress and Achievement: Follow up on interim reports, report cards, and conferences
Read: Please listen to your child read nightly for a minimum of 20 minutes
Parental Support: You can participate in your child’s education by:
Attending report card conferences and parent workshops
Signing homework assignments to verify your involvement
Responding to both written and telephone communications
Setting appointments to meet with your child’s teacher
*Please see the Parent Compact Letter here: _Kearny School Parent Compact
*Please see the Student/Parent Handbook here: 2022-2023 Kearny Student.Parent Handbook
*Please see the Parent and Family Engagement Policy here: Kearny parent and family engagement plan 2022-2023
ACCURATE & UPDATE INFORMATION: Parents should inform the school when there is a change in address or telephone number. The school sends important information by mail. If the school does not have a correct address, this information may not reach a student’s home. It is imperative that we have a correct phone number in case of an emergency. All students must have an emergency contact number on file in the main office.